• Federal Republic of Germany – 120 mln €
  • The United States of America – 17 mln $
  • Republic of Poland – 10 mln €
  • The French Republic – 5 mln €
  • Republic of Austria – 4 mln €
  • Great Britain – 3,1 mln £
  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands – 1,4 mln €
  • The Italian Republic – 1 mln €
  • Swiss Confederation – 1 mln €
  • The State of Israel – 1 mln $
  • Russian Federation – 1 mln $ (transferred in 2013, before Russia's invasion of Ukraine)


Canada, Commonwealth of Australia, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, New Zealand, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Finland, Republic of Turkey, Vatican City State

as well as

Argentine Republic, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hellenic Republic, Ireland, Portuguese Republic, Principality of Liechtenstein, Principality of Monaco, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Malta, Slovak Republic. 


London, Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt